I'm writing this a few days after husband and I have returned from Sacred Space/Between the Worlds 2023. I had thoughts and expectations about how the weekend would go, like you do, but as frequently happens - the Gods had other plans.
First off, I want to give thanks for the simple opportunity to be together with like minded witches, wizards, magicians, Masons, and everyone in between. The past few years have been a time of great uncertainty and difficulty and I am thankful EVERY DAY that my beloved and I made it through fairly unscathed. I saw people dear to us that we haven't seen in a long time, got to meet others who are cherished, and was able to watch and learn to see how people interact. Our Pagan/Esoteric community is precious, and I treasure it. What the Board has created at Sacred Space - bringing together so many different people from different traditions, it is unheard of, and is something to be lauded. The fact that the Conference is dedicated to both Athene and Thoth (two of my childhood Deities), is not lost on me. I'm where I should be.
In case you weren't aware - I married a brilliant man and Hermeticist. This was his second time presenting at Sacred Space and he knocked it out of the park. His Sacred Geometry class went fantastically well, and the learners there seemed to really "pick up what he was putting down." I am so so proud of him, and I love watching him teach and share what is important to him. I always learn something new from his perspectives and for that, I am grateful.
A friend of Ariel's joined us on the ride down to the Convention. And I wasn't expecting to find someone I could be friends with as well. She is funny, wicked smart, understanding and compassionate, and the perfect person to balance out and discuss the "science bits" with Ariel. I'm very thankful that she decided to come with us, and that, like several of us, was spurned into action by the weekend.
I had a few classes, that I was DYING to get into, a few others where I was "that sounds interesting, I'd like to go" and then a few others where I knew it wasn't for me.
The opening ritual was emotional and thrilling - I was crying 3 minutes into the ritual. I knew I had been in a magickal drought, I had not realized JUST how much of one.
The first class I went to was Courtney Weber's Refilling the Well: Addressing Magickal Burnout. We all arrived, outwardly bright-eyed and bushy tailed and "ready to learn." Oh, we learned all right. Courtney masterfully led us all through journey and breath work. And I let out SO much that I honestly didn't realize I was holding. I have been burning the candle so hard for so long, that I haven't given myself time to breathe and to rest. In that, I lost myself for a bit. No worries - I had a large purge, and I have found a new energy and momentum to continue the Work.
Friday was a mix of both preparation and study. I went to an early Dionysus ritual led by Clio Ajana, where I learned more about Him than I had realized. I had expected one type of ritual, and was richly gifted with another. I give thanks.
Then it was quickly onward to Diotima Mantineia's Stations of the Sun - where I learned about aligning yourself more fully with the energies of the year. I learn a lot from her Astrology newsletters, and this was no different. I give thanks.
Now we came to the Main Ritual. I'd been told by my friends who are part of Assembly of the Sacred Wheel that they GO ALL OUT. We were not disappointed. Through the powers of Love, Beauty, Truth, Courage, and Honor (Honor got me right in the gut) - we claimed our Crowns of Desire and galvanized the energy to better the world. We all serve in the ways we are most suited. I learned some new chants, that will stay with me (Michael and Gwendolyn have gifts) and re-found my focus and my center. I give thanks.
After the large magickal "oomph" received on Friday night, Saturday continued the wave of transformation. First stop was to help a dear friend with her workshop, Courtney's - Hekate: Goddess of Witches. The Capricorn handled the money - like ya do and I learned a few things too! Also - my recognition of Greek letters/words isn't terrible! Oυρά! It is inspiring to see how deeply and profoundly She is reaching out to and affecting others. May their journeys be what they need. I give deep thanks to Kleidoukhos.
Now for the ritual doozy that I did not expect to knock me on my behind. I've always admired blacksmiths, in real life, mythology and vidyagames. Hephaestus and I have had a cordial relationship. He has always been someone I've held in high regard. He is considered "broken" but He doesn't let it stop Him. Sure - He's bionic, and deals with chronic pain, but He is also the only reason anyone on Olympus has anything made. If He doesn't create it, IT DOESN'T GET DONE! He has taken His aliment and turned it into a source of strength. The journey work that Haeleron lead us through, affected me deeply, I went down - saw some things, heard some things, went ... somewhere, and then I was back. I felt fine, then He said something through Haeleron that knocked me on my behind. I don't think that I have completely integrated the pieces that were broken, but I think I am at the beginning of a fruitful road. I give deep thanks to You both.
Saturday ended with Hades and Persephone at the Prom. Hah. Truly, it was a fun night - we got to dance and sing, and the band was wonderful. I felt like I was back at the Goth club, and that made me quite happy. I was with the most handsome man there, for certain. Photos or it didn't happen.
Saturday evening, I was already starting to feel the let/come down of readying myself to return to the mundane world. At first I didn't want to go and was resistant to the shift. But as the day wore on, I grew to embrace it. Take what I've learned this weekend and share it with those who will benefit.
Irene Glass's class on Pagan Pastoral Counseling was a Gods Send. All I am going to say is thank you for the Mirror and Thank You for the Vision. Your words, strategies, and advice contributed to one of the reasons I became a Priestess. I became a Priestess to be of service to my community and this workshop gave me some additional tools to serve them to the best of my ability. I give great thanks.
All Things Chiron on Sunday with Leanne Pemburn was informative and useful. He who is the Wounded Healer has many things to teach us, and I am glad that I was able to circle and make magick with everyone there. Thank you, Leanne for your skillful ritual facilitation. I give thanks.
One comment that stuck out to me over the weekend was, after Ariel's presentation: "what's it like being married to someone so smart?" And at first, I'll admit, I took it negatively. Whaddya mean? I'm smart! He isn't the only smart one in this relationship. But after the initial shock wore off, I saw it as a sign. A sign to get myself out there and share what I know. I am also smart and capable. Thank you for pushing me to see that.
I give thanks for the entire weekend. Sacred Space was one of the first trips that Ariel and I took together back in 2019, and it has a special place in our hearts. To next year! See you then.
Keep an eye on this space! I got told to DO THE THING!💜
As a final note: the Gods/Theoi put you where you need to be, when you need to be there. And that reaffirmed my faith more than anything else. Kharite Hekate. What ended up happening was necessary to assist someone in need. Which is the entire point of Priestessing and being a Witch. You're not there to better yourself - you're there to better those around you and provide support and bolstering when and where you can.
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