Opening Doors... and Stepping Through Them
I wrote this before our Sacred Space trip, but in my distracted brain I forgot to post it.
The sentiment still stands - take your leaps and take your chances.
Husband and I have been going through a period of metamorphosis. We're moving homes to a place (still in NYC) that is better suited for us and the process has been... evocative. It isn't our planned final domicile, but it is home for the next few years while we both tie up some loose ends.
The sentiment still stands - take your leaps and take your chances.
Husband and I have been going through a period of metamorphosis. We're moving homes to a place (still in NYC) that is better suited for us and the process has been... evocative. It isn't our planned final domicile, but it is home for the next few years while we both tie up some loose ends.
With this switch, we've been afforded quite a bit of opportunity. And sometimes - that's intimidating. I've noticed that we sometimes have this loop in our minds - "oh, I can't do X because I don't have (insert lack here - time/money/space)." And we tell ourselves these "excuses" to give ourselves a "reason" not to make changes for the better.
This shift in home is the start of many opportunities for us. We will have space to take care of our mental, physical, and spiritual selves - without excuses.
Now if you're someone like me... (Hello fellow Neurodivergent Witches!) I struggle with creating a routine, but once that is my routine, then it would take a crowbar to get me to not follow it.
Instead of getting overwhelmed with all the changes in routine in the new space - I've done by best to keep things as they had been - especially in the morning before coffee, but after work - that is where I will make the changes. But not all at once.
When you want to make a change in your life - choose one thing, and do that one thing until it becomes habit/routine. Don't overwhelm yourself with making several changes all at once - just choose one thing in your world to shift.
For me - the first change is taking my breakfast and lunch to work. Where I work is a food desert and we don't get a lot of time to actually have a lunch, so in order to be able to actually enjoy my lunch - I've started to take it with me. Have I been perfect at it? No - some days have been disasters, but I don't beat myself up over it. I simply take stock of where the routine fell down and modify it for the next day.
Psychology Today has a great article on how we can "hack" our brains to build better habits. In my experience, the Gods will give you the opportunity to change for the better and to do Their work. It's normal to be scared/apprehensive or nervous about a change. You may even feel like you would "fail" before you even start.
The Door - See This Door? It's Right Here!
The only choice you have to make is...
Will You Face Your Fear and Walk Through It?
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