Opening Doors... and Stepping Through Them
I wrote this before our Sacred Space trip, but in my distracted brain I forgot to post it. The sentiment still stands - take your leaps and take your chances. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Husband and I have been going through a period of metamorphosis. We're moving homes to a place (still in NYC) that is better suited for us and the process has been... evocative. It isn't our planned final domicile, but it is home for the next few years while we both tie up some loose ends. With this switch, we've been afforded quite a bit of opportunity. And sometimes - that's intimidating. I've noticed that we sometimes have this loop in our minds - "oh, I can't do X because I don't have (insert lack here - time/money/space)." And we tell ourselves these "excuses" to give ourselves a "reason" not to make changes for the better. This shift in home is the start of many opportunities for ...